

Increase your wisdom and virtues through the new year
For this new year there should be growth in one’s wisdom and virtues. Ignorance and karmic hindrances must be eliminated, efforts should be made towards the perfection of one’s Bodhi cultivation, and afflictions and karmic hindrances should all be purified.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Blessings and virtues #Bodhi Cultivation #Eradicate karma #Ignorance #Karmic hindrances #New Year #Wisdom #Wisdom and Virtues



When applying this to chanting the Buddha’s name, the level of inner peace attained depends on our effort. We must chant the Buddha’s name even more, as our grave karmic obstructions accumulated over many past lives are like a chronic illness that cannot be cured with only one or two treatments. Attaining Buddhahood requires persistence and effort.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Buddhahood #Buddhist cultivation #Karmic hindrances #Karmic offenses



As long as we chant the Buddha’s name, there will be a lotus flower for us in the Water of Eight Meritorious Virtues. At the time of our death, Amitabha Buddha, Guan Yin Bodhisattva, and Mahastamaprapta Bodhisattva will come with our lotus flower and guide us to the Pure Land.
Everything is impermanent, including karmic hindrances. They will not last forever and can change at any moment. They arise due to causes and conditions, and will cease due to causes and conditions as well. How can we eliminate our karmic obstacles? The way to do so is to constantly be mindful of Amitabha Buddha. By sincerely chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha just once, we can eliminate our most severe offenses that have kept us in the cycle of birth and death for over eight billion kalpas. From this we can see how great is the merit of chanting the Buddha’s name!

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Buddha Recitation #Cause and conditions #Eradicate karma #Impermanence #Karmic hindrances



As to the effects of chanting the Buddha’s name, in fact each and every chant is responsive! Eliminating karmic hindrances is an extraordinarily great response. Once our karmic hindrances are eliminated, we will be liberated from our suffering; that is the great compassion of the Bodhisattvas. When we are free of suffering, we will immediately feel ease and happiness; that is the loving-kindness of the Buddha.

專輯: Daily Dharma

標籤: #Bodhisattva #Chanting #Karmic hindrances